Global Spectra Deconvolution + Peak optimizer
is using an algorithm that is searching for inflection points to determine the position of peaks and the width of the peaks are between the 2 inflection points. The result of GSD yield to an array of object containing {x, y and width}. However this width is based on the inflection point and may be different from the 'fwhm' (Full Width Half Maximum).
The second algorithm (optimizePeaks
) will optimize the width as a FWHM to match the original peak. After optimization the width with therefore be always FWHM whichever is the function used.
minMaxRatio=0.00025 (0-1)
Threshold to determine if a given peak should be considered as a noise, bases on its relative height compared to the highest peak.
broadRatio=0.00 (0-1)
If broadRatio
is higher than 0, then all the peaks which second derivative smaller than broadRatio * maxAbsSecondDerivative
will be marked with the soft mask equal to true.
noiseLevel=0 (-inf, inf)
Noise threshold in spectrum units
maxCriteria=true [true||false]
Peaks are local maximum(true) or minimum(false)
smoothY=true [true||false]
Select the peak intensities from a smoothed version of the independent variables?
realTopDetection=false [true||false]
Use a quadratic optimizations with the peak and its 3 closest neighbors to determine the true x,y values of the peak?
sgOptions={windowSize: 5, polynomial: 3}
Savitzky-Golay parameters. windowSize should be odd; polynomial is the degree of the polynomial to use in the approximations. It should be bigger than 2.
Factor to multiply the calculated height (usually 2).
Filters based on the amplitude of the first derivative
Post methods
GSD.broadenPeaks(peakList, {factor=2, overlap=false})
We enlarge the peaks and add the properties from and to.
By default we enlarge of a factor 2 and we don't allow overlap.
import { IsotopicDistribution } from 'mf-global';
import { gsd, optimizePeaks } from '../src';
const data = new IsotopicDistribution('C').getGaussian();
let peaks = gsd(data, {
noiseLevel: 0,
minMaxRatio: 0.00025,
realTopDetection: true,
maxCriteria: true,
smoothY: false,
sgOptions: { windowSize: 7, polynomial: 3 },
let optimized = optimizePeaks(data, peaks);